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Ideals in $L(L_p)$

De William B. Johnson

Apparaît également dans la collection : Non linear functional analysis / Analyse fonctionnelle non linéaire

I’ll discuss the Banach algebra structure of the spaces of bounded linear operators on $\ell_p$ and $L_p$ := $L_p(0, 1)$. The main new results are 1. The only non trivial closed ideal in $L(L_p)$, 1 $\leq$ p < $\infty$, that has a left approximate identity is the ideal of compact operators (joint with N. C. Phillips and G. Schechtman). 2. There are infinitely many; in fact, a continuum; of closed ideals in $L(L_1)$ (joint with G. Pisier and G. Schechtman). The second result answers a question from the 1978 book of A. Pietsch, “Operator ideals”.

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