Located in the heart of the Parc des Calanques in Marseille, a famous nature reserve in the South of France, CIRM Luminy is entirely dedicated to welcoming researchers from around the world. They can work together, exchange ideas, share their knowledge and advance central issues in our discipline. They can also develop ambitious projects in interaction with other sciences and disseminate their knowledge to young researchers and doctoral candidates.

CIRM is jointly managed by the Société Mathématique de France (SMF), the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Aix-Marseille Université (AMU) and benefits from a strong support from the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. CIRM is part of the Laboratoire d'Excellence (governmental initiatives launched to promote excellence in French research) : Labex CARMIN at the national level, and of the ARCHIMEDE Institute at the local level. For 40 years, CIRM has been at the service of the French school of mathematics and open to researchers worldwide. It is one of the world's leading mathematical meeting centres in terms of attendance, with more than 4,500 researchers hosted each year.

CIRM - Luminy
163 avenue de Luminy
Case 916
Marseille Cedex 9 13288 FR

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