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Lower scalar curvature bounds for $C^0$ metrics: a Ricci flow approach

By Paula Burkhardt-Guim

We describe some recent work that has been done to generalize the notion of lower scalar curvature bounds to $C^0$ metrics, including a localized Ricci flow approach. In particular, we show the following: that there is a Ricci flow definition which is stable under greater-than-second-order perturbation of the metric, that there exists a reasonable notion of a Ricci flow starting from $C^0$ initial data which is smooth for positive times, and that the weak lower scalar curvature bounds are preserved under evolution by the Ricci flow from $C^0$ initial data.

Information about the video

  • Date of recording 18/03/2022
  • Date of publication 25/03/2022
  • Institution IHES
  • Language English
  • Audience Researchers
  • Format MP4

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