

Videos are enriched with metadata: abstracts, keywords, mathematical subjects, MSC codes, etc. Some of the videos are indexed (chaptered) to let the user scroll to the key points of the talks.

Videos can be downloaded for later views using the download button at the bottom of the video.


You can use the search field on the homepage of click on the search icon at the top right-hand side of any page to access the advanced search.

The search tool allows you to search through the video titles, abstracts, and other metadata. Various filters are proposed to refine the results. The results can be sorted by date or by relevance (default).

The search tool recognizes the following operators:
  • Quotes ("sample") returning results containing the exact expression;
  • Plus sign (sample+of+search) returning results containing all of the terms separated by +.


Videos are organized into collections: by event (e.g. conference), by mathematical subject or editorial thematic collections highlighting topics of current interest.

Registered users

Registration allows the user to organize videos into favorites or “to watch” lists and to keep track of the history of their views.


Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting is a computer protocol developed by the Open Archives Initiative in order to exchange metadata. It makes possible to automatically build and update centralized warehouses where metadata from various sources can be queried simultaneously. Used in particular by the Open Archives and institutional warehouses, it is now widely used in heritage institutions and in particular in libraries.
Source : Wikipedia

A documentation can be found on the Open Archives website.

Entry point

OAI-PMH service can be accessed through


Allowed verbs are :
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