Interview at CIRM: Igor Shparlinski
Also appears in collections : Jean Morlet Chair - 2014 - Sem 1 - Shparlinski - Kohel, Outreach
Igor Shparlinski held the Jean Morlet Chair from February 2014 to August 2014. This chair was linked in parts to the thematic month on 'Arithmetics' which took part in February 2014 at CIRM. Igor Shparlinski has a career in Number theory and its applications to cryptography, with significant overlap with the research interests of the groups Dynamique Arithmétique, Combinatoire (DAC) and Arithmétique et Théorie de l'Information (ATI) in Marseille. The idea was to start the month with a week on 'Unlikely Intersections' followed by a workshop organized by members of the DAC research group. Weeks 3 and 4 were on 'Frobenius distributions' and were co-organized with the ATI group. The focus was to introduce and explore new directions of research around the proof of the Sato-Tate conjecture, its generalizations, and the related Lang-Trotter conjecture. Continuing the progression to the interactions of arithmetics with geometry, the thematic month closed with a week on the topic 'On the Conjectures of Lang and Volta'. CIRM - Chaire Jean-Morlet 2014 - Aix-Marseille Université