Skeins, clusters, and character sheaves
De David Jordan
Apparaît également dans la collection : Exposés de recherche
Skein algebras are certain diagrammatically defined algebras spanned by tangles drawn on the cylinder of a surface, with multiplication given by stacking diagrams. Quantum cluster algebras are certain systems of mutually birational quantum tori whose defining relations are encoded in a quiver drawn on the surface. The category of quantum character sheaves is a $q$-deformation of the category of ad-equivariant $D$-modules on the group $G$, expressed through an algebra $D_q (G)$ of “q-difference” operators on $G$. In this I talk I will explain that these are in fact three sides of the same coin – namely they each arise as different flavors of factorization homology, and hence fit in the framework of four-dimensional topological field theory.