Probabilistic techniques and Quantum Information Theory

Collection Probabilistic techniques and Quantum Information Theory

Date(s) 23/10/2017 - 27/10/2017
00:00:00 / 00:00:00
16 26

This talk deals with the problem of identifying and estimating dynamical parameters of continuous-time quantum open systems, in the input-output formalism. I will discuss several aspects of this problem:The first aspect concerns the structure of the space of identifiable parameters for ergodic dynamics, assuming full access to the output state for arbitrarily long times. I will show that the equivalence classes of undistinguishable parameters are orbits of a Lie group acting on the space of dynamical parameters. The second aspect concerns the information geometric structure on this space. I will show that the space of identifiable parameters is the base space of a principal bundle given by the action of the group, and carries a Riemannian metric based on the quantum Fisher information of the output. The metric can be computed explicitly in terms of the Markov covariance of certain fluctuation operators, and relate it to the horizontal bundle of the connection. The third direction concerns the identification of linear input-output systems in the time-dependent and stationary setups. The fourth direction concerns the design of measurements to achieve the quantum Fisher information.

Information about the video

  • Date of recording 26/10/2017
  • Date of publication 06/11/2017
  • Institution IHP
  • Format MP4

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