Collection Operators on analytic function spaces / Opérateurs sur des espaces de fonctions analytiques
The interaction between analytic function spaces and operator theory finds its root in the pioneering work of Beurling, who introduced the Hardy space H2, an analytic representation of ℓ2, in order to characterize the lattice of invariant subspaces of the translation operator. This gives rise to model spaces KΘ = H2 ΘH2, inner functions and outer functions. After his work, a whole theory developed focusing on classical operators on H2, such as multiplication operators (like the shift operator) and their cousins, the Toeplitz (e.g. the backward shift) and Hankel operators, composition operator, embedding operators, etc. Another important set of problems in spaces of analytic functions concerns the geometry of reproducing kernels (interpolation, sampling, uniqueness, zeros, etc.) All of these topics find their natural counterparts in spaces like Fock, Bergman and Dirichlet spaces that have attracted much attention in recent decades unveiling surprising properties (e.g. Bergman spaces appear as reachable spaces in control problems). The aforementioned model spaces are generalizations of de Branges spaces of entire functions, which are closely related to applications since they appear naturally in connection with Sturm-Liouville- equations. In particular, we mention the Paley-Wiener space corresponding to a Sturm-Liouville equation with vanishing potential and which is a special case of model spaces. It is well known that this space plays a key role in signal theory as well as also in control theory. Model spaces themselves generalize in a natural way to de Branges-Rovnyak spaces, which have also attracted much attention in recent decades and for which many challenging problems are open. The rich structure of these spaces has been studied for more than a century by the most eminent mathematicians, and continue to develop as demonstrated for instance by recent advances in connection with the so-called complete Pick property (in particular, we note the result by Hartz on the column-row property and its application to extreme points in de Branges-Rovnyak spaces in the ball (Acta Math. 2022). The applications of spaces of analytic functions in fields as vast as engineering, control theory, signal theory, communication theory or even quantum physics,… make them objects of primary importance. The aim of this conference is focused on recent progress on Hilbert and Banach spaces of holomorphic functions and the operators acting on them. This meeting is a continuation of a series of conferences organized in recent years in Canada and France: Centre de Recherche de Mathématiques at Montreal CRM (2008), at Fields Institute (2011), CRM (2011) and CRM (2013), CIRM (2019 and 2021), thematic semester at Fields Institute (2022).
Organisateur(s) Fricain, Emmanuel ; Garcia, Stephan Ramon ; Gorkin, Pamela ; Hartmann, Andreas ; Mashreghi, Javad
Date(s) 02/12/2024 - 06/12/2024
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