Jean-Morlet Chair 2020 - Research School: Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods and Applications / Chaire Jean-Morlet 2020 - Ecole:  Méthode de quasi-Monte-Carlo et applications

Collection Jean-Morlet Chair 2020 - Research School: Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods and Applications / Chaire Jean-Morlet 2020 - Ecole: Méthode de quasi-Monte-Carlo et applications

Organisateur(s) Rivat, Joël ; Thonhauser, Stefan ; Tichy, Robert
Date(s) 02/11/2020 - 07/11/2020
URL associée
00:00:00 / 00:00:00
9 15

In the second part we show how the classical result can be used also for SDEs with drift that may be discontinuous and diffusion that may be degenerate. In that context I will present a concept of (multidimensional) piecewise Lipschitz drift where the set of discontinuities is a sufficiently smooth hypersurface in the multi-dimensional euclidean space. We discuss geometric properties of the set of discontinuities that are needed to transfer the convergence result from the Lipschitz case to the piecewise Lipschitz case.

Informations sur la vidéo

Données de citation

  • DOI 10.24350/CIRM.V.19680203
  • Citer cette vidéo Leobacher, Gunther (02/11/2020). Stochastic differential equations. CIRM. Audiovisual resource. DOI: 10.24350/CIRM.V.19680203
  • URL


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  • Kuipers, L.; Niederreiter, H.: Uniform distribution of sequences. Pure and Applied Mathematics. Wiley-Interscience, 1974.
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  • Leobacher, Gunther; Szölgyenyi, Michaela A strong order 1/2 method for multidimensional SDEs with discontinuous drift.The Annals of Applied Probability, 2017, vol. 27, no 4, p. 2383-2418. -
  • Mao, X.: Stochastic differential equations and their applications. Series in Mathematics & Applications. Horwood Publishing Limited, Chichester, 1997 -

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