2022 - T3 - WS3 - Measure-theoretic Approaches and Optimal Transportation in Statistics

Collection 2022 - T3 - WS3 - Measure-theoretic Approaches and Optimal Transportation in Statistics

Organisateur(s) Aamari, Eddie ; Aaron, Catherine ; Chazal, Frédéric ; Fisher, Aurélie ; Hoffmann, Marc ; Le Brigant, Alice ; Levrard, Clément ; Michel, Bertrand
Date(s) 21/11/2022 - 25/11/2022
URL associée https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/event/7547/
12 14

Online learning with exponential weights in metric spaces with the measure contraction property

De Quentin Paris

This paper addresses the problem of online learning in metric spaces using exponential weights. We extend the analysis of the exponentially weighted average forecaster, traditionally studied in a Euclidean settings, to a more abstract framework. Our results rely on the notion of barycenters, a suitable version of Jensen’s inequality and a synthetic notion of lower curvature bound in metric spaces known as the measure contraction property. We also adapt the online-to-batch conversion principle to apply our results to a statistical learning framework.

Informations sur la vidéo

  • Date de publication 05/04/2024
  • Institut IHP
  • Langue Anglais
  • Format MP4

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