Apparaît dans la collection : Multidimensional symbolic dynamics and lattice models of quasicrystals / Dynamique symbolique multidimensionnelle et modèles de quasi-cristaux sur réseau
For every positive integer $n$, we introduce a set $\mathcal{T}_n$ made of $(n+3)^2$ Wang tiles (unit squares with labeled edges). We represent a tiling by translates of these tiles as a configuration $\mathbb{Z}^2 \rightarrow \mathcal{T}_n$. A configuration is valid if the common edge of adjacent tiles has the same label. For every $n \geqslant 1$, we consider the Wang shift $\Omega_n$ defined as the set of valid configurations over the tiles $\mathcal{T}_n$. The family $\left{\Omega_n\right}_{n \geqslant 1}$ broadens the relation between quadratic integers and aperiodic tilings beyond the omnipresent golden ratio as the dynamics of $\Omega_n$ involves the positive root $\beta$ of the polynomial $x^2-n x-1$. This root is sometimes called the $n$-th metallic mean, and in particular, the golden mean when $n=1$ and the silver mean when $n=2$. The family gathers the hallmarks of other small aperiodic sets of Wang tiles. When $n=1$, the set of Wang tiles $\mathcal{T}_1$ is equivalent to the Ammann aperiodic set of 16 Wang tiles. The tiles in $\mathcal{T}_n$ satisfy additive versions of equations verified by the Kari-Culik aperiodic sets of 14 and 13 Wang tiles. Also configurations in $\Omega_n$ are the codings of a $\mathbb{Z}^2$-action on a 2-dimensional torus by a polygonal partition like the Jeandel-Rao aperiodic set of 11 Wang tiles. The tiles can be defined as the different instances of a square shape computer chip whose inputs and outputs are 3-dimensional integer vectors. There is an almost one-to-one factor map $\Omega_n \rightarrow \mathbb{T}^2$ which commutes the shift action on $\Omega_n$ with horizontal and vertical translations by $\beta$ on $\mathbb{T}^2$. The factor map can be explicitely defined by the average of the top labels from the same row of tiles as in Kari and Culik examples. We also show that $\Omega_n$ is self-similar, aperiodic and minimal for the shift action. Also, there exists a polygonal partition of $\mathbb{T}^2$ which we show is a Markov partition for the toral $\mathbb{Z}^2$-action. The partition and the sets of Wang tiles are symmetric which makes them, like Penrose tilings, worthy of investigation. Details can be found in the preprints available at 2312.03652 (part I) and 03197 (part II). The talk will present an overview of the main results.