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Tracing the dark matter web

By Sergei Shandarin

Appears in collection : Collisionless Boltzmann (Vlasov) equation and modeling of self-gravitating systems and plasmas / Boltzmann sans collisions, Vlasov et modélisation des systèmes auto-gravitants et des plasmas

Dark matter (DM) constitutes almost 85% of all mass able to cluster into gravitationally bound objects. Thus it has played the determining role in the origin and evolution of the structure in the universe often referred to as the Cosmic Web. The dark matter component of the Cosmic Web or simply the Dark Matter Web is considerably easier to understand theoretically than the baryonic component of the web if one assumes that DM interacts only gravitationally. One of the major differences between the DM and baryonic webs consists in the multi stream structure of the DM web. Thus it allows to use three diagnostic fields that do not present in the baryonic web: the number of streams field in Eulerian space, the number of flip flops field in Lagrangian space, and the caustic structure in the both. Although these characteristics have been known for a long time their systematic studies as fields started only a few years ago. I will report new recent results of numerical studies of the three fields mentioned above and also discuss the features of the DM web they have unveil.

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Citation data



  • Ramachandra, N.S., & Shandarin, S.F. (2017). Topology and geometry of the dark matter web: a multistream view. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 467(2), 1748–1762 - https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stx183
  • Shandarin, S.F., & Medvedev, M.V. (2014). Tracing the Cosmic Web substructure with Lagrangian submanifold. <arXiv:1409.7634> - https://arxiv.org/abs/1409.7634

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