$A$ Infinity Functor in Symplectic Geometry and Gauge Theory
By Kenji Fukaya
An Update on SYZ Mirror Symmetry and Family Floer Theory
By Denis Auroux
By Basak Gurel
Appears in collection : From smooth to $C^{0}$ symplectic geometry: topological aspects and dynamical implications / Géométrie symplectique de lisse à $C^{0}$: aspects topologiques et implications dynamiques
The spectral norm is an important invariant of a Hamiltonian diffeomorphism and its properties have recently found numerous nontrivial applications to dynamics. We will explore the behavior of the spectral norm under iterations of a Hamiltonian diffeomorphism and some related phenomena. This feature is closely related to the existence of invariant sets (the Le Calvez–Yoccoz type theorems), Hamiltonian pseudo-rotations, rigidity and the strong closing lemma. The talk is based on joint work with Erman Çineli and Viktor Ginzburg.