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A Borovik-Cherlin bound for primitive pseudo-finite permutation groups

By Nicholas Ramsey

Appears in collection : Model Theory and Applications to Groups and Combinatorics / Théorie des modèles et applications en théorie des groupes et en combinatoire

A primitive permutation group $(X, G)$ is a group $G$ together with an action of $G$ on $X$ such that there are no nontrivial equivalence relations on $X$ preserved by $G$. An rough classification of primitive permutation groups of finite Morley rank, modeled on the O'Nan-Scott theorem for finite primitive permutation groups, has been carried out by Macpherson and Pillay and this classification was then used by Borovik and Cherlin to prove that if $(X, G)$ is a primitive permutation group of finite Morley rank, the rank of $G$ can be bounded in terms of the rank of $X$. We study the analogous situation for pseudo-finite primitive permutation groups of finite SU-rank, building both on supersimple group theory and classification results of Liebeck-Macpherson-Tent. This is joint work in progress with Ulla Karhumäki.

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  • DOI 10.24350/CIRM.V.20253003
  • Cite this video Ramsey, Nicholas (30/09/2024). A Borovik-Cherlin bound for primitive pseudo-finite permutation groups. CIRM. Audiovisual resource. DOI: 10.24350/CIRM.V.20253003
  • URL https://dx.doi.org/10.24350/CIRM.V.20253003


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