Prime Numbers, Determinism and Pseudorandomness / Nombres premiers, déterminisme et pseudoaléa

Collection Prime Numbers, Determinism and Pseudorandomness / Nombres premiers, déterminisme et pseudoaléa

Organizer(s) Dartyge, Cécile ; Drmota, Michael ; Ferenczi, Sébastien ; Lemanczyk, Mariusz ; Rivat, Joël
Date(s) 04/11/2019 - 08/11/2019
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Discrepancy is a measure of equidistribution for sequences of points. We consider here discrepancy in the setting of symbolic dynamics and we discuss the existence of bounded remainder sets for some families of zero entropy subshifts, from a topological dynamics viewpoint. A bounded remainder set is a set which yields bounded discrepancy, that is, the number of times it is visited differs by the expected time only by a constant. Bounded discrepancy provides particularly strong convergence properties of ergodic sums. It is also closely related to the notions of balance in word combinatorics.

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Citation data

  • DOI 10.24350/CIRM.V.19576203
  • Cite this video Berthé, Valérie (06/11/2019). Symbolic bounded remainder sets. CIRM. Audiovisual resource. DOI: 10.24350/CIRM.V.19576203
  • URL

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