Jean-Morlet Chair: Ergodic theory and its connections with arithmetic and combinatorics / Chaire Jean Morlet : Théorie ergodique et ses connexions avec l'arithmétique et la combinatoire

Collection Jean-Morlet Chair: Ergodic theory and its connections with arithmetic and combinatorics / Chaire Jean Morlet : Théorie ergodique et ses connexions avec l'arithmétique et la combinatoire

The conference is aimed at interactions between ergodic theory and dynamical systems and number theory. The main subjects are: disjointness in ergodic theory and randomness in number theory, ergodic theory and combinatorial number theory, and homogenous dynamics and its applications.

Appears in collection : Jean Morlet Chair - 2016 - Sem 2 - Lemanczyk - Ferenczi

Organizer(s) Cassaigne, Julien ; Ferenczi, Sébastien ; Hubert, Pascal ; Kulaga-Przymus, Joanna ; Lemanczyk, Marius
Date(s) 12/12/2016 - 16/12/2016
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