Jean Morlet Chair - 2024 - Sem 2 - Collins - Demni

Collection Jean Morlet Chair - 2024 - Sem 2 - Collins - Demni

Benoit Collins is a French researcher, with permanent residency in Japan and Canada, and an international carreer. His works evolve around Random Matrix Theory and their applications, envolving Free Probability, Quantum Information Theory, Operator Algebras, Probability Theory, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Groups, Asymptotic representation theory, and may therefore be qualified as interdisciplinary. Weingarten calculus may be cited as one of his important contributions. His scientific contribution is extremely impressive: awards in Canada and Japan as a young researcher, and invited speaker at the ICM 2022; 69 published papers, including in Annals o fMathematics, Inventiones… His major contributions qualify him as a leading expert in his interdisciplinary field. He has completed supervision of 6 PhDstudents and 7 post-docs.

Nizar Demni is Maître de Conférences (ou Associate Professor) at Aix-Marseille University. His research topics lie at the crossroad between stochastic processes, random matrices, Differential geometry and operator algebras. He published more than fifty publications in excellent journals, as well as two books. He was also member of various research projects and deputy head of the analysis group in the mathematical institute of Marseille (I2M). He organized several international scientific events and supervised tw Ph. D. students.

Appears in collection : Chaire Jean-Morlet / Jean-Morlet Chair

Organizer(s) Prof. Benoit COLLINS Kyoto University - Maître de Conférences Nizar DEMNI Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille Aix-Marseille Université
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