Franco-Asian Summer School on Arithmetic Geometry

Collection Franco-Asian Summer School on Arithmetic Geometry

Organizer(s) Ahmed Abbes (CNRS & IHÉS), Ana Caraiani (Imperial College London ), Ariane Mézard (Sorbonne Université), Takeshi Saito (University of Tokyo), Takeshi Tsuji (The University of Tokyo), Daxin Xu (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Weizhe Zheng (Chinese Academy of Sciences).
Date(s) 30/05/2022 - 03/06/2022
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Automatic de Rhamness of p-adic local systems and Galois action on the pro-algebraic fundamental group

By Alexander Petrov

Given a $p$-adic local system $L$ on a smooth algebraic variety $X$ over a finite extension $K$ of $Q_p$, it is always possible to find a de Rham local system $M$ on $X$ such that the underlying local system $L|_{X_{\overline{K}}}$ embeds into $M|_{X_{\overline{K}}}$. I will outline the proof that relies on the p-adic Riemann-Hilbert correspondence of Diao-Lan-Liu-Zhu. As a consequence, the action of the Galois group $G_K$ on the pro-algebraic completion of the étale fundamental group of $X_{\overline{K}}$ is de Rham, in the sense that every finite-dimensional subrepresentation of the ring of regular functions on that group scheme is de Rham. This implies that every finite-dimensional subrepresentation of the ring of regular functions on the pro-algebraic completion of the geometric $\pi_1$ of a smooth variety over a number field satisfies the assumptions of the Fontaine-Mazur conjecture. Complementing this result, I will sketch a proof of the fact that every semi-simple representation of $Gal(\bar{Q}/Q)$ arising from geometry is a subquotient of the ring of regular functions on the pro-algebraic completion of the fundamental group of the projective line with 3 punctures.

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