Collection From smooth to $C^{0}$ symplectic geometry: topological aspects and dynamical implications / Géométrie symplectique de lisse à $C^{0}$: aspects topologiques et implications dynamiques
Having originated in classical mechanics, the fields of symplectic topology and Hamiltonian dynamics, as well as their odd-dimensional counterparts, contact topology and Reeb dynamics, have expanded significantly over the past four decades. Nowadays, they form large and active mathematical domains with numerous interactions with areas such as low-dimensional topology, algebraic geometry, string topology, quantum mechanics, semi-classical analysis and surface dynamics. Gromov’s pseudo-holomorphic curves and the various flavors of Floer homology have had profound consequences on the above domains. We are particularly interested in the applications of these methods to Hamiltonian and Reeb dynamics, C 0 symplectic/contact topology, and quantitative aspects of symplectic/contact topology. This conference will bring together a large group of mathematicians, ranging from leading experts of these domains to PhD students, putting accent on the recent results.
Organisateur(s) Benedetti, Gabriele ; Humilière, Vincent ; Leclercq, Rémi ; Sandon, Sheila ; Seyfaddini, Sobhan
Date(s) 03/07/2023 - 07/07/2023
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