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Uniform p-adic wave front sets and zero loci of functions of C-exp-class.

By Raf Cluckers

Appears in collection : 2018 - T1 - WS 2 - Model Theory and Valued Fields

I will recall some concrete parts of the course on motivic integration given at the IHP by Halupczok, and use it to define distributions of C-exp class on p-adic spaces. I will then study the wave front sets of these distributions, and make a link with zero loci of functions of Cexp class which provides an answer to a recent question raised by Aizenbud and Drinfeld. This concerns joint work with Aizenbud, Gordon, Halupczok, Loeser, and Raibaut (in various combinations).

Information about the video

  • Date of recording 08/03/2018
  • Date of publication 10/03/2018
  • Institution IHP
  • Language English
  • Format MP4

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