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Appears in collection : Quantum Information Theory

We study the feasibility of causing the state of a closed quantum system leap backwards in time. The system (the target) is out of our control: this means that we ignore both its free Hamiltonian and how the system interacts with other quantum systems we may use to influence it. Under these conditions, we prove that there exist protocols within the framework of non-relativistic quantum physics which reset the target system to its exact quantum state at a given past time. Each "resetting protocol" is successful with non-zero probability for all possible free Hamiltonians and interaction unitaries, save a subset of zero measure. When the target is a qubit, the simplest resetting circuits have a significant average probability of success and their implementation is within reach of current quantum technologies. Finally, we find that, in case the resetting protocol fails, it is possible to run a further protocol that, if successful, undoes both the natural evolution of the target and the effects of the failed protocol over the latter. By chaining in this fashion several such protocols, one can substantially increase the overall probability of a successful time leap.

Information about the video

  • Date of recording 15/12/2017
  • Date of publication 18/12/2017
  • Institution IHP
  • Format MP4

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