Finite-dimensional pseudofinite groups of small dimension, without CFSG
By Ulla Karhumäki
Growth estimates and diameter bounds for linear algebraic groups
By Harald Helfgott
Appears in collection : 2024 - T3 - Mini-WS - Computational group theory and applications workshop
A group is coherent if all its finitely generated subgroups are finitely presented. C. Droms has shown that a right angled Artin group is coherent precisely when the defining graph is chordal and later, together with B. Servatius and H. Servatius, they show that this is also equivalent to the derived group being free. For general Aartin groups, Gordon and Wise have characterized coherence in terms of the defining graph and we show that this is also equivalent to the derived group being free.
Coherent Artin groups are acylindrical hyperbolic. We also consider this property for subgroups which are subgroups of even Artin groups of FC type and generalice a result by Minasyan and Osin for right angled Artin groups. This is a joint work with Jone López de Gámiz.