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From simple to complex applied mathematics to investigate human movement

By Nicolas Horvais, Lise Sissler

Appears in collection : Mathematics and mouvement in sport - 13/03/2018

The goal of a sport brand is to provide to his consumer a product that will help him to get fully involved in his practice. To this end, we use applied mathematics in the development of our products to better address the “consumer need” of this product. This presentation will give some projects examples (in tennis and running) in which we can go from using very simple to more complex applied mathematics.We will go through a simple distance measurement, the measurement of the foot running technique directly in the field, the modelling of the downhill trail running performance, a measurement knee constraint during running, and we will end with finite element modelling.

Around the Mathematical Week "Mathematics and movement", half a day is dedicated to mathematical issues related to movements in sports. It will take place on Tuesday, March 13th from 9am to 12pm at Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris. This event will bring together researchers and industries to discuss the challenges of tomorrow.

Information about the video

  • Date of recording 13/03/2018
  • Date of publication 09/04/2018
  • Institution IHP
  • Format MP4

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