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[1126] Derived Grothendieck-Teichmüller group and graphcomplexes

By Maxim Kontsevich

Appears in collections : Bourbaki - Janvier 2017, Fields medallists - 1998, Maxim Kontsevich

Graph complex is spanned by equivalence classes of finite connected graphs with the dual differential given by the sum of all contractions of edges, with appropriate signs. This complex forms a differential graded Lie algebra, and acts as a universal derived infinitesimal symmetry of all graded Lie algebras of polyvector fields on finite-dimensional manifolds. Grothendieck-Teichmüller group, as defined by V. Drinfeld, is the group of symmetries of the tower of rationally completed braid groups. Recent breakthrough by T. Willwacher identifies the graph complex with the derived version of GT group. This result settles essentially all open questions in the subject of deformation quantization and little disc operads.

[After T. Willwacher]

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Séminaire Bourbaki, 69ème année (2016-2017), n°1126, janvier 2017 PDF

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