Resonances: geometric scattering and dynamics / Résonances : scattering géométrique et dynamique

Collection Resonances: geometric scattering and dynamics / Résonances : scattering géométrique et dynamique

Mathematically, resonances appear either as discrete eigenvalues of the quantization of a Hamiltonian or as eigenvalues of the transfer operator of a classical flow. They are important data relating classical and quantum dynamics. They provide useful information on the geometric properties of the flow and occur naturally in trace formulas relating geometric invariants and spectral invariants (like Selberg's trace formula).

This workshop, which is a follow-up of a workshop organized at CIRM in March 2015, intends to bring together researchers working on the different aspects of the geometric and dynamical theories of resonances (spectral and geometric analysis, geometric scattering theory, microlocal analysis, representation theory, analytic number theory, mathematical physics). The purpose is to provide participants with the opportunity to present their latest results, share their points of view and ideas, and hence make progress towards solving the many interesting (and difficult) open problems about resonances. Particular attention will be paid to the geometric situations of higher dimension or higher rank.

Organizer(s) Guillarmou, Colin ; Hilgert, Joachim ; Pasquale, Angela ; Przebinda, Tomasz
Date(s) 13/03/2017 - 17/03/2017
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