Measured and Geometric Group Theory, Rigidity, Operator Algebras / Théorie mesurée et géométrique des groupes, rigidité, algèbres d’opérateurs

Collection Measured and Geometric Group Theory, Rigidity, Operator Algebras / Théorie mesurée et géométrique des groupes, rigidité, algèbres d’opérateurs

Organizer(s) Gaboriau, Damien ; Houdayer, Cyril ; Szöke, Nóra Gabriella ; Tessera, Romain
Date(s) 05/10/2020 - 10/10/2020
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Group actions on Lp spaces : dependence on p

By Mikael de la Salle

The study of group actions on Hilbert spaces is central in operator algebras, geometric group theory and representation theory. In many natural situations however, particularily interesting actions on Lp spaces appear for p not 2. One celebrated example is the construction by Pansu (and later greatly generalized by Yu to all Gromov hyperbolic groups) of proper actions of groups of isometries of hyperbolic spaces on Lp for large p. In all these results, the rather clear impression was that it was easier to act on Lp space as p becomes larger. The goal of my talk will be to explain this impression by a theorem and to study how the behaviour of the group actions on Lp spaces depends on p and on the group. In particular, I will show that the set of values of p such that a given countable groups has an isometric action on Lp with unbounded orbits is of the form $[p_c,\infty]$ for some $p_c$, and I will try to compute this critical parameter for lattices in semisimple groups. In passing, we will have to discuss how these objects and properties behave with respect to quantitative measure equivalence. This is a joint work with Amine Marrakchi, partly in arXiv:2001.02490.

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Citation data

  • DOI 10.24350/CIRM.V.19657503
  • Cite this video de la Salle, Mikael (07/10/2020). Group actions on Lp spaces : dependence on p. CIRM. Audiovisual resource. DOI: 10.24350/CIRM.V.19657503
  • URL


  • MARRAKCHI, Amine et DE LA SALLE, Mikael. Isometric actions on Lp-spaces: dependence on the value of p. arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.02490, 2020. -

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