Jean-Morlet chair: Masterclass in Bayesian statistics / Chaire Jean-Morlet : École de statistique bayésienne

Collection Jean-Morlet chair: Masterclass in Bayesian statistics / Chaire Jean-Morlet : École de statistique bayésienne

Organizer(s) Chopin, Nicolas ; Mengersen, Kerrie ; Pommeret, Denys ; Pudlo, Pierre ; Robert, Christian P. ; Ryder, Robin
Date(s) 22/10/2018 - 26/10/2018
linked URL
00:00:00 / 00:00:00
1 5

This tutorial will be a beginner’s introduction to Bayesian statistical modelling and analysis. Simple models and computational tools will be described, followed by a discussion about implementing these approaches in practice. A range of case studies will be presented and possible solutions proposed, followed by an open discussion about other ways that these problems could be tackled.

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