Collection Jean-Morlet Chair - Conference - Arithmetic Statistics / Chaire Jean-Morlet - Conférence - Statistiques arithmétiques
The theme of the conference is a type of number theory that has become very popular over the last decades, and that is influenced by the possibility of « experimentally » studying arithmetic objects with the help of a computer. Thanks to the wide availability of computer algebra systems, essentially any number theorist nowadays has this possibility at his fingertips. There are concrete objects that are not so easily determined « by hand », such as fundamental units in number fields of higher degree, or Mordell-Weil generators of point groups of elliptic curves, and a first impression of « what these typically look like » is often obtained by numerical experimentation.
Over the years, substantial datasets relating to number fields, elliptic curves and L-series have become available, enhancing our understanding of the arithmetic world somewhat beyond only the smallest examples, which may fail to show the true asymptotic behaviour.
Appears in collections : Jean Morlet Chair - 2023 - Sem 1 - Stevenhagen - Anni, Thematic Semester: Arithmetic Statistics: Discovering and Proving Randomness in Number Theory
Organizer(s) Anni, Samuele ; Lorenzo Garcia, Elisa ; Stevenhagen, Peter ; Vonk, Jan
Date(s) 15/05/2023 - 19/05/2023
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