Hadamard Lectures 2019 - Maryna Viazovska - Automorphic Forms and Optimization in Euclidean Space

Collection Hadamard Lectures 2019 - Maryna Viazovska - Automorphic Forms and Optimization in Euclidean Space

Marina Viazovska, young researcher at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, is interested in problems relating to number theory and discrete optimisation. In 2016, she solved the sphere-packing problem in dimensions 8 and 24, which earned it international sensation.

The goal of this lecture course, “Automorphic Forms and Optimization in Euclidean Space”, is to prove the universal optimality of the E8 and Leech lattices. This theorem is the main result of a recent preprint “Universal Optimality of the E8 and Leech Lattices and Interpolation Formulas”, written in collaboration with H. Cohn, A. Kumar, S/D/ Miller and D. Radchenko. https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.05438

Appears in collections : Hadamard Lectures, Distinguished women in mathematics, Fields medallists - 2022

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