GAGTA, Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory with Applications / Théorie des Groupes Géométrique et Asymptotique - Week 2

Collection GAGTA, Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory with Applications / Théorie des Groupes Géométrique et Asymptotique - Week 2

GAGTA conferences form an annual series of conferences devoted to the dialogue between different approaches on infinite groups: Geometry, combinatorics, decidability, logic and algorithms. These conferences gather every year a group of involved specialists and focus on giving good opportunities to young researchers. They both contribute to long term research thematics and explore new trends. Growth of groups, metric properties as initiated by M. Gromov, computation, algorithms and logic in infinite groups are the main lines of theses conferences. Cubic groups, contracting elements in almost hyperbolic groups, random walks on groups, dynamical systems, various aspects of normal forms in specific groups, automata groups and self-similar groups are some of the current hot topics. All in all, these conferences are a meeting point between algebra, geometry and computer science. In this venue of GAGTA, we will also emphasize the strong links with symbolic dynamics as well as the strengths of Sage software for computing in group theory. A GAGTA conference already took place at CIRM in September 2015. More information about GAGTA can be found on the website:

Appears in collection : THEMATIC MONTH - MOIS THÉMATIQUE : Discrete Mathematics & Computer Science: Groups, Dynamics, Complexity, Words / Mathématiques discrètes et informatique : mots, complexité, dynamique, groupes

Organizer(s) Chalopin, Jérémie ; Chepoi, Victor ; Coulbois, Thierry ; Genevois, Anthony ; Huang, Jingyin ; Moutot, Etienne ; Weil, Pascal
Date(s) 05/02/2024 - 09/02/2024
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