Combinatorics, automata and number theory / Combinatoire, automates et théorie des nombres

Collection Combinatorics, automata and number theory / Combinatoire, automates et théorie des nombres

This event is meant to be both an international school and conference. To reach these complementary goals, high quality lecturers of international recognition have been selected. Due to their scientific and pedagogical capabilities, we expect that they will attract a wide audience including Ph.D. students, young researchers as well as more mature researchers. We plan to select contributed talks (30 minutes).

The main topics of the school will be (3 hours for each subject) Symbolic Dynamics Formal Language and Automata Theory Combinatorics on Words Number Theory Tilings and Cellular Automata Combinatorial Group Theory

Organizer(s) Berthé, Valérie ; Rigo, Michel
Date(s) 28/11/2016 - 02/12/2016
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