Cohomology of algebraic varieties / Cohomologie des variétés algébriques

Collection Cohomology of algebraic varieties / Cohomologie des variétés algébriques

This conference will be the mid-project meeting of the A.N.R. project ECOVA "Cohomological study of algebraic varieties". The aim is to gather together algebraic and arithmetic geometers whose research focusses on cohomological aspects. We intend to cover the wide spectrum of the ECOVA project, including motivic, geometric and complex Hodge-theoretic, p-adic aspects, non-archimedean and arithmetic aspects

Organizer(s) Cadoret, Anna ; Charles, François ; Demarche, Cyril ; Klingler, Bruno ; Moonen, Ben
Date(s) 15/10/2018 - 19/10/2018
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