Collection ALCOCRYPT - ALgebraic and combinatorial methods for COding and CRYPTography
This conference is devoted to the algebraic and combinatorial aspects of codes and cryptography and the links between codes and cryptography. It aims at gathering international experts, including researchers from the University of Aix-Marseille, in this essential and very active field of mathematics and theoretical computer science. This event aims also to provide a forum for researchers working on algebraic and combinatorial methods for coding and cryptography, exchange ideas and interests in open problems, and further explore their applications in cryptography error-correcting codes and communications. We plan to issue a ”Call for Paper” for specialized talks and select some presentations to be published in the congress proceedings in the international journal Advances in Mathematics of Communications édited by American Institute of Mathematical Sciences and handled by Jintai Ding and Sihem Mesnager as Editors-in-Chief.
Appears in collections : THEMATIC MONTH - Arithmetic and Information theory, Thematic Semester: Arithmetic Statistics: Discovering and Proving Randomness in Number Theory
Organizer(s) Bonnecaze, Alexis ; Mesnager, Sihem ; Solé, Patrick
Date(s) 20/02/2023 - 24/02/2023
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