Collection Advances in Nonlinear Analysis and Nonlinear Waves, a conference in honor of Frank Merle
Frank Merle, a mathematician, and holder of the Université de Cergy-Pontoise - IHES Chair in Analysis has made many important and seminal contributions to the qualitative study of solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations coming from Physics. Merle's work has been pioneering in the sharp analysis of blowup solutions, and the collision of solitons, as well as in the soliton resolution conjecture. His groundbreaking works have been very influential in the field and beyond.
Throughout his career, Frank Merle received many distinctions, including:
ICM Invited Speaker (1998) Bôcher Memorial Prize - American Mathematical Society (2005) Silver Medal - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (2005) ERC Advanced Grant "Blow-up, Dispersion and Solitons" (2011) ICM Plenary Speaker (2014) Grand prix Ampère de l’électricité de France - French Academy of Sciences (2018) Member of the Academia Europaea (2020)
The scientific objective of the conference is twofold. First, several experts in the field of dispersive and wave equations will present their recent advances. A second objective is to propose some conferences in analysis beyond the field of dispersive PDEs. The Scientific Committee hopes that all talks will be accessible to a general audience in analysis.
Organizer(s) C. Collot, R. Côte, F. Demengel, T. Duyckaerts, J. Jendrej, Y. Lan, E. Logak, Y. Martel, C. Muñoz, P. Raphaël, J. Szeftel, N. Tzvetkov et H. Zaag
Date(s) 22/05/2023 - 26/05/2023
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