6th France-Israel conference in neuroscience: the power of mathematics in contemporary neuroscience / 6ème colloque franco-israelien en neurosciences : repenser le rôle des mathématiques en neurosciences

Collection 6th France-Israel conference in neuroscience: the power of mathematics in contemporary neuroscience / 6ème colloque franco-israelien en neurosciences : repenser le rôle des mathématiques en neurosciences

Since 2004, the French-Israel Binational Neuroscience conferences bring together scientists from France and Israel with the aim of promoting bilateral cooperation in Neuroscience, coordinated by the "France-Israel Neuroscience, Neurology and Psychiatry Society" - FINNePS.

A revolution is occurring in experimental neuroscience. New approaches offer the possibility to investigate the dynamics of neuronal networks in the brain on a variety of spatial and time scales from anesthetized to behaving animals. In parallel, theoretical and data processing advances are paving the way to quantitative characterization of neuronal networks structures. However more ambitious “refundation” of theoretical neuroscience may be necessary in light of such experimental revolution. The goal of this 6th France-Israel binational conference, is to contribute to this challenge.

We aim to make an inventory of the current situation by identifying (1) the discrepancy between experimental and theoretical neuroscience, (2) previous theories that become now testable (3) new questions raised by recent experimental results and the mathematical and physical theories to address them.

Our final aim will be to establish a “manifesto” on the role of physico-mathematical theories in neuroscience that we intend to publish in a top international peer-reviewed journal.

Organizer(s) Chavane, Frédéric ; Desmedt, Aline ; Hansel, David ; Nelken, Eli ; Shamir, Maoz
Date(s) 11/07/2016 - 15/07/2016
linked URL http://conferences.cirm-math.fr/1414.html
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