2022 - T2 - WS1 - Mapping class groups and Out(Fn)

Collection 2022 - T2 - WS1 - Mapping class groups and Out(Fn)

Organizer(s) Baik, Hyungryul ; Bestvina, Mladen ; Horbez, Camille ; Rafi, Kasra ; Vogtmann, Karen
Date(s) 25/04/2022 - 29/04/2022
linked URL https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/event/6575/
8 15

Generating big mapping class groups

By Federica Fanoni

In this talk we are interested in the following question: what are “good” generating sets for the mapping class group of a surface? If the surface is compact (or more generally of finite type), there are multiple satisfactory answers, while it it is of infinite type, the question is wide open. I will talk about this problem and present a partial (negative) answer for a large class of surfaces. Joint work with Sebastian Hensel.

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