Perverse-Hodge symmetry for Lagrangian fibrations

De Qizheng Yin

Apparaît dans la collection : Géométrie algébrique en l'honneur de Claire Voisin

For a Lagrangian fibration from a projective irreducible symplectic variety, the perverse numbers of the fibration are equal to the Hodge numbers of the source variety. I will try to explain this fact from two perspectives: its relation with the LLV algebra (under the hyper-Kähler SYZ conjecture), and possible enhancements to the level of sheaves/categories. The second part uses no hyper-Kähler geometry and makes sense for non-proper source varieties. Joint work with Junliang Shen.

Informations sur la vidéo

  • Date de publication 15/04/2024
  • Institut IHP
  • Langue Anglais
  • Format MP4

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