Workshop on Quantum Geometry

Collection Workshop on Quantum Geometry

Organisateur(s) Veronica Fantini, Alex Takeda
Date(s) 25/04/2022 - 29/04/2022
URL associée
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Combinatorial Quantisation of Supergroup Chern-Simons Theory

De Nezhla Aghaei

Chern-Simons Theories with gauge super-groups appear naturally in string theory and they possess interesting applications in mathematics, e.g. for the construction of knot and link invariants. In my talk, I will review the framework of combinatorial quantization of Chern Simons theory and explain how this framework can be adapted for applications to superalgebras. This will give rise to interesting new observables which can be computed by exploiting the rich representation theory of Lie superalgebras.

Informations sur la vidéo

  • Date de captation 29/04/2022
  • Date de publication 03/05/2022
  • Institut IHES
  • Langue Anglais
  • Audience Chercheurs
  • Format MP4

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