Higher Structures in Holomorphic and Topological Field Theory

Collection Higher Structures in Holomorphic and Topological Field Theory

Date(s) 24/04/2024
00:00:00 / 00:00:00
19 19

Courant sigma-models and representations of chiral Lie algebroids

De Pavel Safronov

Courant sigma-models are examples of 3-dimensional topological field theories which in particular contain the Chern-Simons theory. I will describe the ribbon category of line operators in these models in terms of representations of certain chiral Lie algebroids. Assuming a certain anomaly cancellation, this theory admits a pair of interesting conformal boundary conditions. In the case of Chern-Simons theory, one of the boundary conditions is given by the chiral WZW model. In the other extreme of exact Courant algebroids, the two boundary conditions are described by chiral differential operators and the chiral de Rham complex. This is joint work with Brian Williams.

Informations sur la vidéo

  • Date de captation 18/01/2019
  • Date de publication 28/01/2019
  • Institut IHES
  • Format MP4

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