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On crossing probabilities in critical random-cluster models

De Eveliina Peltola

Apparaît dans la collection : 100 (102!) Years of the Ising Model

I will discuss exact solvability results (in a sense) for scaling limits of interface crossings in critical random-cluster models in the plane with various boundary conditions. The results are rigorous for the FK-Ising model, Bernoulli percolation, and the spin-Ising model in appropriate setups. The scaling limit formulas describe structures in the corresponding boundary conformal field theory. (Based on joint works with Yu Feng, Mingchang Liu, and Hao Wu - all at Tsinghua University, China).

Informations sur la vidéo

  • Date de captation 30/05/2022
  • Date de publication 01/06/2022
  • Institut IHES
  • Langue Anglais
  • Audience Chercheurs
  • Format MP4

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