Boundary states of a bulk gapped ground state in 2d quantum spin systems

De Yoshiko Ogata

Apparaît dans la collection : 2024 - PC2 - Random tensors and related topics

We introduce a natural mathematical definition of boundary states of a bulk gapped ground state, in the operator algebraic framework of 2-d quantum spin systems. With approximate Haag duality at the boundary, we derive a C_-tensor category M out of such boundary state. Under a non-triviality condition of the braiding in the bulk, we show that the Drinfeld center (with an asymptotic constraint) of M is equivalent to the bulk braided C_-tensor category.

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Données de citation

  • DOI 10.57987/IHP.2024.PC2.013
  • Citer cette vidéo Ogata, Yoshiko (17/10/2024). Boundary states of a bulk gapped ground state in 2d quantum spin systems. IHP. Audiovisual resource. DOI: 10.57987/IHP.2024.PC2.013
  • URL

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