Summer School 2021: Enumerative Geometry, Physics and Representation Theory

Collection Summer School 2021: Enumerative Geometry, Physics and Representation Theory

Organisateur(s) Organising Committee: Andrei Negut, Francesco Sala and Olivier Schiffmann; Scientific Committee: Mina Aganagic, Hiraku Nakajima, Nikita Nekrasov, and Andrei Okounkov
Date(s) 05/07/2021 - 16/07/2021
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Complex K-theory of Dual Hitchin Systems

De Michael Groechenig

Let G and G’ be Langlands dual reductive groups (e.g. SL(n) and PGL(n)). According to a theorem by Donagi-Pantev, the generic fibres of the moduli spaces of G-Higgs bundles and G’-Higgs bundles are dual abelian varieties and are therefore derived-equivalent. It is an interesting open problem to prove existence of a derived equivalence over the full Hitchin base. I will report on joint work in progress with Shiyu Shen, in which we construct a K-theoretic shadow thereof: natural equivalences between complex K-theory spectra for certain moduli spaces of Higgs bundles (in type A).

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