Numerical Methods and Scientific Computing / Méthodes numériques et calcul scientifique

Collection Numerical Methods and Scientific Computing / Méthodes numériques et calcul scientifique

Organisateur(s) Beckermann, Bernhard ; Brezinski, Claude ; da Rocha, Zélia ; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela ; Rodriguez, Giuseppe
Date(s) 08/11/2021 - 12/11/2021
URL associée
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Approximation of Stieltjes matrix functions by rational Gauss-type quadrature rules

De Lothar Reichel

This talk is concerned with the inexpensive approximation of expressions of the form $I(f)=$ $v^{T} f(A) v$, when $A$ is a large symmetric positive definite matrix, $v$ is a vector, and $f(t)$ is a Stieltjes function. We are interested in the situation when $A$ is too large to make the evaluation of $f(A)$ practical. Approximations of $I(f)$ are computed with the aid of rational Gauss quadrature rules. Error bounds or estimates of bounds are determined with rational Gauss-Radau or rational anti-Gauss rules.

Informations sur la vidéo

Données de citation

  • DOI 10.24350/CIRM.V.19829603
  • Citer cette vidéo Reichel, Lothar (09/11/2021). Approximation of Stieltjes matrix functions by rational Gauss-type quadrature rules. CIRM. Audiovisual resource. DOI: 10.24350/CIRM.V.19829603
  • URL



  • FROMMER, Andreas et SCHWEITZER, Marcel. Error bounds and estimates for Krylov subspace approximations of Stieltjes matrix functions. BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2016, vol. 56, no 3, p. 865-892. -
  • GOLUB, Gene H. et MEURANT, Gérard. Matrices, moments and quadrature with applications. Princeton University Press, 2009. -
  • PRANIC, Miroslav S. et REICHEL, Lothar. Rational Gauss quadrature. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2014, vol. 52, no 2, p. 832-851. -

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