Michel Cristofol: Introduction on inverse problems

Collection Michel Cristofol: Introduction on inverse problems

The goal of this course is to give a short survey on the domain of Inverse Problems. After a general introduction I will focus on the parabolic operators and I will present around the same toy problem different technics:
- the Dirichlet to Neumann methodology (see [1]), - the Carleman inequalities approach (see [2]),
- and I will conclude with a recent technic using pointwise observations. (see [3]).

Apparaît dans la collection : CIMPA SCHOOL "Analyse numérique & optimisation, contrôle et problèmes inverses"

Organisateur(s) Hanaa HACHIMI, Mourad BOUNEFFA
Date(s) 09/11/2020 - 18/11/2020
URL associée http://ensa.uit.ac.ma/cimpa2020
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