Collection Large-scale limits of interacting particle systems
This workshop aims to gather researchers interested in rigorous methods for the study of scaling limits of interacting particle systems, and is structured around the following three 4-hour mini-courses:
Mathieu Lewin: Mean-field limits and Bose-Einstein condensation for quantum gases
Laure Saint-Raymond: Statistical description of a hard sphere gas dynamics
Manfred Salmhofer: Diagrammatic expansions and renormalization in quantum dynamics
The workshop also includes a special lecture:
Jakob Yngvason: Understanding Entropy without Probability
as well as talks by Serena Cenatiempo, Charles Collot, Sabine Jansen, Jens Marklof, Peter Pickl, Marcello Porta, Mario Pulvirenti, Nicolas Rougerie, Bálint Tóth.
Organisateur(s) Mitia Duerinckx, Sergio Simonella, and Raphael Winter
Date(s) 04/10/2021 - 08/10/2021
URL associée'21.html