Jean-Pierre Gazeau: "Illustration of Lie Group Theory with Real Matrices of Order Two"

Collection Jean-Pierre Gazeau: "Illustration of Lie Group Theory with Real Matrices of Order Two"

One of the simplest examples of Lie groups is SL(2,R), the set of real 2X2 matrices with determinant 1. The lectures will an introduction to the theory of Lie groups and algebras, their representations, and the related harmonic analysis, through all one wants to know about SL(2,R). A special emphasis will be given to a set of applications in physics (optics, quantum, statistical …) and signal analysis.

Apparaît dans la collection : CIMPA SCHOOL "Groups and Lie Algebras, Representation Theory, and their Applications"

Organisateur(s) Jean-Bosco Kayoya, Giuseppe Dito
Date(s) 19/07/2021 - 30/07/2021
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