Group Actions and Rigidity: Around the Zimmer Program / Actions de Groupes et Rigidité : Autour du programme de Zimmer

Collection Group Actions and Rigidity: Around the Zimmer Program / Actions de Groupes et Rigidité : Autour du programme de Zimmer

This introductory school on “Rigidity, dynamics and geometric structures” is in conjunction with program at IHP on “Group Actions and Rigidity: Around the Zimmer Program” in Spring 2024. The field has undergone tremendous change in the last decade Many new deep results have been proven and novel methods have been introduced. The goal of the school is to introduce many people to these new developments. In particular, we want to train a new generation of mathematicians, from graduate students to postdoctoral fellows. The participants would come from all around the world, but also especially from France and other nearby countries. We plan to conduct mini-courses on background, technical tools and particular constructions and examples. We would incorporate problem and exercise sessions. Junior Researchers will present short research talks. There is a lot of excitement about this area. Our hope is that we can provide an excellent introduction to the field, explaining the background and deep ideas preliminary to the current research. Practitioners at the forefront of the research who also excel at exposition will deliver the lecture series. The school will encourage the exchange of ideas between the junior participants. We hope to serve as a starting ground for new collaborations, that will help the subject thrive and drive new developments of the central ideas, possibly even in other areas. Finally, the school would enable the participants to benefit from the follow-up trimester at IHP.

Apparaît dans la collection : 2024 - T2 - Group actions and rigidity: around the Zimmer program

Organisateur(s) Brown, Aaron ; Fisher, David ; Mann, Kathryn ; Pecastaing, Vincent ; Spatzier, Ralf
Date(s) 15/04/2024 - 19/04/2024
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