Interacting Hawkes processes with multiplicative inhibition

De Céline Duval

Apparaît dans la collection : 2023 - T1B - WS2 - Networks of spiking neurons

We introduce a general class of mean-field interacting nonlinear Hawkes processes modelling the reciprocal interactions between two neuronal populations, one excitatory and one inhibitory. The model incorporates two features: inhibition, which acts as a multiplicative factor onto the intensity of the excitatory population and additive retroaction from the excitatory neurons onto the inhibitory ones. We give first a detailed analysis of the well-posedness of this interacting system as well as its dynamics in large population. The second aim of the paper is to give a rigorous analysis of the longtime behavior of the mean-field limit process. We provide also numerical evidence that inhibition and retroaction may be responsible for the emergence of limit cycles in such system. (j.w. with E. Luçon and C. Pouzat)

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  • DOI 10.57987/IHP.2023.T1B.WS2.010
  • Citer cette vidéo Duval, Céline (31/03/2023). Interacting Hawkes processes with multiplicative inhibition. IHP. Audiovisual resource. DOI: 10.57987/IHP.2023.T1B.WS2.010
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