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Higher-order Post-Newtonian ADM Dynamics of Compact Binary Systems: a DJS “Tour de Force"

De Piotr Jaranowski

Apparaît dans la collection : Damour Fest: Adventures in Gravitation

I will present the role of Thibault Damour (‘D’ in ‘DJS’) and his colleagues (‘S’ and ‘J’ in ‘DJS’) in initiating, at the turn of the millennium, calculations of higher-order Post-Newtonian (PN) corrections to the equations of motion of compact binary systems. DJS derived for the first time complete and error-free dynamics of compact binary systems in the 3PN and 4PN orders, and to achieve this, they – also for the first time – successfully applied dimensional regularization to UV divergencies and linked the IR near-zone divergencies to the tail effects. I will conclude with a look at the future of PN computations performed in the traditional, i.e. “à la DJS”, manner

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