Parallel Solution Methods for Systems Arising from PDEs / Méthodes parallèles pour la résolution de systèmes issus d'équations aux dérivées partielles

Collection Parallel Solution Methods for Systems Arising from PDEs / Méthodes parallèles pour la résolution de systèmes issus d'équations aux dérivées partielles

Partial differential equations (PDEs) arise in the mathematical modelling of many physical phenomena as well as science and engineering problems. The discretisation of PDEs leads to potentially very large systems that must be solved in parallel. In practice, the accuracy to which a PDE can be solved is very often limited either by the computa-tional resources (hardware), or by the computational time available. This is the bottleneck addressed by the present conference. With the advent of massively parallel machines, new paradigms have arisen. New numerical methods for these paradigms are being devised, and old methods are being reconsidered. ​ The objective is to bring together international specialists at various stages of their careers who are active contributors to the conception, analysis and implementation of parallel solvers for systems arising from PDEs. Special care has been taken to include specialists from the numerical analysis, numerical linear algebra, computational mechanics and high performance computing communities to the list of invited speakers and participants. The conference should provide an ideal setting for assessing the current state of the art as well as foster new interactions and collaborations on some of the new and promising techniques in the field: asynchronous methods, special preconditioning strategies, adaptive coarse spaces, communication-avoiding linear algebra techniques, and low rank approximations by hierarchical matrices.

Organisateur(s) Dolean, Victorita ; Spillane, Nicole ; Szyld, Daniel
Date(s) 16/09/2019 - 20/09/2019
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